Staying Healthy (and other stuff your government hides from you)

Daryl Cooper
2 min readAug 30, 2021



BOOSTING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM SO YOU SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCE YOUR CHANCE OF GETTING last years Flu they called Rona OR this year’s flu, name TBD, should be a priority.

Gleaned from various practitioners such as Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ardis, Dr. Malthouse, Dr. Code and Dr. Nepute.

• Ivermectin is the best prophylactic you can get but curiously it was banned in Saskatchewan and the rest of Canada via special order on March 20, 2020. If you can secure a source as some folks have been able to then please get it.

Most of do not have access to it, something you should demand an answer from your MLA and MP. Thus, for now this is the best we can suggest. l give full disclosure that I am not a vitamin specialist or a a doctor, I am simply one who has been fortunate enough to have been connected to and corresponded with many of these caring physicians. This is a general consensus. I encourage you to your own research,,,,,

• Here are a couple (among dozens that I have) of invaluable resources. and

  • Vitamin C 1,000 to 5,000mg twice a day. As prevention it can be lower. If you are sick then the higher amount. I have read that you need to increase slowly to see bowel acceptance.
  • • Vitamin D 10,000mg/day
  • • Zinc 100 mg/day
  • • Magnesium 500 mg/day
  • • Selenium 200mcg/day
  • • Quercetin 250mg twice a day.
  • • And some others such as small doses of oil of oregano.

BTW:Minister of Health for Canada, Patty Hajdu said that all this was “conspiracy theory.” But then again when her friend Catherine McKenna retired from politics she tweeted, “look forward to working with you in the New World Order.,” so what more would we expect.

BOTTOM LINE, If you have learned anything from this 18 month charade it should be evident that you need to take responsibility for your own health. The government, the media and in many cases, your doctors, have failed you. And many have suffered and died because they counted on their advice.

Yours in love of this great province we call Saskatchewan.




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