Liars Club Exposed (part 1)- Manitoba Court Proves PCR Tests are Phoney
A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truth expressed.
“PCR test results DO NOT verify infectiousness, and were NEVER intended to be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses.” Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist Dr. Jared Bullard, witness for the Manitoba government.
And now under oath the Province of Manitoba’s government acknowledged that testing for Covid at higher threshold levels can result in false positives.” HE JUST ADMITTED THAT THEY CAN AND HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED.
This is what so many of us have been reporting for months now, PCR tests were never intended to be used for coronaviruses. The founder and Nobel Prize winning doctor, Dr. Kary Mullis stated this before his untimely death just a few short months before the COVID-19 story started.
Quotes from the Inventor of the PCR test Dr. Kary Mullis, (1944–2019) winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry,
“The PCR Test is a DNA test that does not detect viruses or illnesses”.
“PCR……..It doesn’t tell you that you are sick and doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you”.
Here is an interview.
Even the World Health Association issued a statement on December 14, 2020 admitting that, the PCR test is a “hit and miss process with way too many false positives.”
The WHO restated the above on January 20, 2021
Below is a such a great analysis there is no reason for me to reinvent the wheel.
Bob Blayone from Facebook post May 12, 2021
In a Court of Queen’s Bench hearing leading up to the trial of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms vs The Government of Manitoba:
“PCR test results DO NOT verify infectiousness, and were NEVER intended to be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses.” Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist Dr. Jared Bullard, witness for the Manitoba government.
Hell yes! Well done JCCF! And would you look at who the JCCF have retained for expert witnesses; Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Thomas Warren!
Absolutely spectacular!
“The Justice Centre’s expert medical witnesses, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, world-famous epidemiologist and Professor of Medicine from Stanford University, and Dr. Thomas Warren, infectious disease specialist and medical microbiologist, both provided evidence that the PCR test is unreliable in determining whether a person is infectious with the actual Covid-19 disease.”
“Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist Dr. Jared Bullard is a witness for the Manitoba government in this hearing. Questioned under oath by Justice Centre lawyers on Monday May 10, Dr. Bullard acknowledged that the PCR test has significant limitations. The head of Cadham Provincial Laboratory in Winnipeg, Dr. Bullard admitted that PCR test results do not verify infectiousness, and were never intended to be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses.”
“Dr. Bullard acknowledged that Manitoba has known for some time that a given PCR test’s Ct value is inversely correlated with infectiousness. This means that testing for Covid at higher threshold levels can result in false positives”
MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIES: “Finally, it should be noted that some Canadian news agencies have quoted Dr. Bullard as testifying that a positive PCR tests indicates infectivity 99.9% of the time.
This is incorrect.
Rather, Dr. Bullard testified that a PCR test will detect any viral RNA that is present in a sample 99.9% of the time. However, Dr. Bullard testified that determining whether or not a sample is actually infectious (containing a viable virus, capable of replicating) needs to be confirmed by lab culture. As noted, only 44% of the “positive” samples using a Ct of 18 returned a viable lab culture. Samples tested at a Ct of over 25, according to Dr. Bullard’s report, PRODUCED NO VIABLE LAB CULTURES.”
56% FALSE positives at a Cycle threshold of 18?! Well holy sh#t…
“Manitoba has confirmed that it utilizes Ct’s of up to 40, and even 45 in some cases. This indicates “cases” resulting from such tests (above a Ct of 25) are almost certainly not actually infectious.”
Cases found above 25 Ct, were almost certainly NOT actually infectious.
NOT infectious.
“Evidence uncovered by the Justice Centre through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests reveal that regular hospital beds as well as Intensive Care Units were in significantly less demand and usage during 2020 and 2021 than in any year as far back as 2015. In fact, 2020 ICU admissions were at their lowest level since 2015.(FOI Request)”
Lying public health bureaucrats, politicians, and the media should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Stop lying and saying the hospitals are overflowing with covid patients. Stop misclassifying deaths to scare people. Stop mining BS fake covid “cases” to scare people. Stop using PCR testing fraudulently. The data is in! We see your lies for what they are. You are hurting the people very badly with your lies.
Individuals like Chris Scott, Pastor James Coates, Pastor Artur Pawlowski were imprisoned based on BS Alberta Health Services healthcare fraud. Shame on anyone who played a role in this disgusting ongoing situation. The inhumanity is so absolute and overwhelming. The psychological abuse of the people, those duped by the lies is deeply disturbing to me.
Covid19 is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity. And they’re still talking lockdowns, masks and vaccines? Seriously?!
The link to Bob Blayone’s post is above.
My Commentary resumes
The fake test results have been used to justify crashing our economy, creating social unrest, put fear into the hearts of so many, created bankruptcies and mental health issues that will be with us for decades. And for what? Come clean Tam, Trudeau, Moe, Shahab et al. What is your motive? We deserve an answer and we deserve honesty.
With these lies exposed, the media owes the country an apology. Locally Dr. Saqib Shahab, Premier Scott Moe, Health Minister Paul Merriman and other Sask Health bureaucrats and Sask Government officials need to apologize and resign immediately.
The pain and suffering they have caused our children is abhorrent enough let alone the damage caused by faking the severity of a virus through phoney testing. You have used PCR testing to justify masking CHILDREN, yes CHILDREN. You took away one year of their lives up, their graduations, their social activities and created a mental health crisis far worse than any virus. The children are not affected and yet they have suffered because if your actions. You must own this and own it now.
And don’t you dare approve the injection of that experimental toxin intro either innocent arms. This isn’t their war, it is yours, fight it with adults but leave the kids alone, they do not get sick from this!
The”road to reopening is through honesty,” not injecting people with a magic potion!
Yours in love of the children of the great province of Saskatchewan and the potentially great country of Canada.